Chairperson's Report 2002
South Petherton Recreation Ground
Over 300 people attended the Green Fair at South Petherton Recreation ground on August 18th.
The Fair, organised by South Somerset District Council in partnership with South Somerset Play Association, was part of their ‘Going Green’ project, which aims to raise environmental awareness through play and youth activities. Workshops were run throughout July and August in holiday playschemes across the district, at the Green Fair, and further workshops are planned for youth clubs in November. All the workshops were free and open to all.
Adults and children had fun pedalling to make music with the Rinky Dink pedal powered disco, constructing a bender –a shelter made from bent hazel sticks and canvas- with The Tinkers Bubble Community, or joining the Wild Man of the Woods with his collections of songs and stories about our changing relationship with the natural environment.
Recycled materials were used to create colourful dragons and butterflies in the Creeping Toad workshop and along with the Summer creatures made in the SSDC Community Playbus a colourful parade was formed, led by the colourful Rinky Dink. The Rubbish Police clowns kept everyone on their toes and made sure everyone enjoyed clearing up litter!
Along side the fun activities people could also find out about renewable energy from the Devon Renewables. Their compact trailer had working displays of solar panels and windmills, examples of sustainable building materials and lots of information and friendly advice. The electricity they were generating on site was used to power the PA system & amplifier of local band Los Dos, showing how wind & sun energy can easily be converted to normal 240v. systems.
Stalls and exhibits came from a cross section of the community, encouraging local exchange, fund raising for small groups, and promoting local sustainable initiatives. The Farmers Market caterers supplied delicious roast meat rolls, vegetarian salads, homemade ice cream, cold drinks and strawberries. Young people from the Eco-Envoy carried out their final consultation before taking the views of young people to the World Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa.