Chairperson's Report 2003
South Petherton Recreation Ground
The second South Petherton Green Fair, held on July 13th 2003, was attended by well over a thousand people of all ages.
While adults browsed stalls and displays covering topics ranging from recycling & renewable energy sources to low impact living & local green crafts, the Wild Man of the Woods enthralled children with his educational stories told under the cool shade of a giant oak tree. Children also learned to weave and spin wool, and explored the environment through stories and drama with Natureplay.
Various local youth groups contributed shows & music they had prepared for the day. This included youth bands, dance workshops, circus, drama , a youth debate on environmental issues and DJ sessions.
There were short talks on straw bale house building and on Tinkers Bubble, the low impact sustainable development on Ham Hill, alongside the Green Info Café, where you could browse through a variety of ‘green’ publications, while sampling organic and Fair Trade teas and coffee.
The Green Fair is part of Going Green, a project organised by South Somerset Play Association, funded by SEED New Opportunities Fund, and supported by SSDC. The project aims to raise environmental awareness through play.