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Chairperson's Report 2008

Thorney Lakes

We had our most successful year to date, with  the second year joining forces with the Scythe Festival, a management team of 7 people working really well together, and an estimated 2000 people coming through the gate.

The completion of our £10,000 Awards For All grant meant we were able to showcase our new ‘Green Energy Trailer, built using hydro-electric power by Keith Shoemark at Parrett Works, near Martock. The renewable energy trailer powered music through out the day and lighting in  the evening. It was a talking point for householders enquiring about installing their own domestic renewable energy systems.  The trailer is fully roadworthy it made further outings to the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival and to The Chiselborough and Norton Flower Show. Also Funded by A4All is our new ‘Green Info Café’. A red & white canvas marquee, made by local tent makers in Cornwall, it provided a lovely space for the café, the info, and this year, the addition of a small speakers stage and storytelling venue. We also now have our own tables, benches and an array of wood burning rocket stoves to keep the kettle boiling!

We tried again this year to run the event with no generators, and although we all used bottled gas, only renewable electricity was used on site. The Scything ran on muscle power, the grass was good and a successful 4th championships was held. Due to good site management and an effective site plan, we had over 6o stalls, a really good bar, lots of delicious foodstands and an excellent atmosphere. The Greenkidz area ran hands on craft activities for children of all ages and had wonderful performances from Rattle Box Theatre and Professor Paradox. The Green Crafts was as good as ever and we had the addition of a horse drawn stage and gypsy caravans. This outdoor stage complemented the music programme running in the Scythers Marquee, and this year will be run by Yeovil College Music Department.
We would like to thank everyone who put in a real lot of hard work to build up the event and manage it so smoothly throughout the day, and look forward to working together for a fantastic Fair & Festival in 2009.

  • Green Scythe Fair

Design by Carole Melbourne 2025

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