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Chairperson's Report 2011

Thorney Lakes

Green Scythe Fair 2011 was wet and windy and although we suffered a financial loss and many of the activities were stopped because of the weather, it was still a success of sorts. The Scythers continued in the rain and many people commented on the great feeling of solidarity the adverse conditions generated.

Numbers through the gate were down to the small dedicated following who braved the storm to support us. 380 paid tickets plus children.

Seventy six stalls and caterers were booked for the 2011 Green Fair. Then the rain and the wind came down. Thirty odd stall holders came on site but with the terrible conditions about ten lasted the day. I think the endurance medal has to go to Rob Ellis who was selling pottery. He had no cover and just stood as the rain poured down getting drenched. 

In the Green Kidz area we spent a lot of time holding down gazebos and driving in ever bigger stakes to keep up flimsy gazebos style tents. We kept most activities going, although some entertainers rang in the morning and cancelled. Eventually we had to evacuate the popular pedal-powered Scalelectrix from one tent which was buckling under the strain of the wind. 

The Green Man of the Woods was wonderful, walking around the site dispensing good cheer, and wrecking at least 3 umbrellas in the wind! Chris Holland the Story Teller turned up and told stories for free, thanks Chris! John Lee braved life & limb to stay up on his stilts and kept the announcements going. 

We held an emergency meeting at 2pm and decided to cancel the evening bands to cut our losses, so the event ended after the celidh,at 8.30pm. However by this time the rain had stopped and it felt a bit flat ending the event so early. A big thank you to Simon Squire and his team of students from Yeovil College, who now completely run the music. We receive many comments each year saying how good the music is.

Herbi Blake organised an interesting and well attended debate on Growing your own Food.

Due to low numbers, the Bar for the first time made a financial loss. However, the Community Cider we made with Transition Langport was delicious, sold well and also kept the site crew watered and refreshed, not only during the Event but in the 5 days of hard work building up and the 2 full days of clearing up afterwards.

In the Green Info Café, as the wind blew and the rain lashed we were busy. The great rocket stoves were busy too for the extra hot water - and hot milk was in demand for cocoa. 

The Scythe Course and Competition continued through out the rain and remains the unique selling point for the whole event. Enthusiasts come from near & far to watch or take part in the Scything.

I would like to thank all the people who took part, and stuck out the bad weather, whether as a stall holder, speaker, musician or steward. I would especially like to thank all those who put in such a lot of hard work to make this event happen and keep it going into the next year! Big thanks to the hardy car park attendants who kept going & survived the rain. Thanks to Jyoti for all her lovely food and keeping us fed well despite the tent trying to escape and lack of punters. Thanks to Jo Leach Lime Base for the sand for the sand pit. Thanks to Deborah for photos and website. Thanks to Jonathan Rouse for his donation. Also thanks to Ann & Richard England for providing the beautiful site and being such friendly land owners & thanks to Mike Curtis for bringing the scalpings for the muddy entrance.

We remain a small friendly event, a gathering that promotes the use of local sustainable resources and celebrates the wealth they, and we all together, represent.

Hannah Aitken
Chair & Children Area organiser
November 2011

  • Green Scythe Fair

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